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Fort Lauderdale Divorce Attorney > Prenuptial Agreement Attorney

Prenuptial Agreement Attorney

Prenuptial agreements are not only for the wealthy and do not mean that a couple  is planning on divorce. Rather, they can provide reassurance to couples who plan to marry. Prenuptial agreements can be as simple or complex, as general or specific, as you need, contact our prenuptial agreement attorney. They help a couple to decide up front how future disputes will be resolved and act as a practical insurance policy to save time and stress if unfortunate circumstances such as divorce or death arise in the future.

What Is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement is a simple or complex contract between the future spouses. It addresses certain issues in the event of a divorce, a separation, or the death of a spouse. Prenuptial agreements may:

  • Specify how assets will be distributed and debts divided;
  • Set minimums or limits on alimony in the event that the marriage ends; and
  • Create strategies for dealing with financial or other disputes.

Couples may also sign postnuptial agreements, which are similar to prenuptial agreements, but are signed during the marriage. The same rules generally apply to postnuptial as to prenuptial agreements.

Who Can Benefit

Prenuptial agreements may not be necessary for every couple, but all couples can benefit from working out issues and developing dispute resolution techniques before marriage. Prenuptial agreements are especially valuable for second or third marriages, particularly if there are any children involved from prior marriages or relationships. Couples with large amounts of assets or debts may also find a prenuptial agreement useful.


If you are considering a prenuptial agreement, be sure to have it finalized well before the wedding. Do not sign too early, as circumstances may change before marriage, but ensure that you have a few months of leeway. You do not want time restrictions to pressure you into signing something you will later regret. Both parties to a prenuptial agreement should be advised by a lawyer who can to explain the terms and advocate for their best interests.

Contesting Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements are often hotly contested in the event of a divorce. It is thus essential to fully disclose all assets and liabilities and accurately state income, or the prenuptial agreement may be invalidated in court. A spouse may also try to have the agreement invalidated by arguing that he or she was coerced into signing. But a prenuptial agreement may not be overturned simply because one spouse made a bad bargain.

Joyce Julian has a master’s degree in forensic accounting and can apply her accounting skills and experience to your situation. She can ensure that all separate and joint property is accurately accounted for so that the prenuptial agreement is not later invalidated. She can also ensure that the agreement is carefully drafted, so that if it is ever used, you avoid fights in court over vague or uncertain terms. She can also make sure you understand the consequences and effects of signing and understand how the terms would affect you in the event of a divorce or death.

Work with Joyce A. Julian, P.A., for Your Prenuptial Agreement Matter

If you have questions about or wish to create a prenuptial agreement, please contact prenuptial agreement attorney Joyce A. Julian for a free initial consultation.

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